The 5 Types of Art Classes Hosted Outside of School

The 5 Types of Art Classes Hosted Outside of School

Have you ever thought about turning in your teacher planner for a business planner?

Sometimes, moving from the classroom to the art studio is an organic process and one that is designed over time.

At least that’s how it was for me.

I LOVED teaching art at school (and did so for 13 years). But somewhere around the 5 year mark, I started branching out.

Just dipping my toes into the entrepreneurial waters was all I needed to start carving out a few hours each week to do what I loved: helping other art teachers teach art to kids.

And now that I’m at a new phase of life with grown children with regular paychecks and a business that is run by an amazing team, I’m spending more time with art teachers who teach art outside of school.

Teachers and artists and even folks from other careers are setting up shop (and yes, kitchen tables count!) and doing what they’ve always wanted to do…

Sharing their love of art with kids according to their schedule.

Planning classes with creative freedom to teach what and however they like!

It almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

One of the most common questions I get asked is what type of classes could I teach that I can charge for?

Well, the sky’s the limit, but here are some of the most common ones that members in Primerry PRO are teaching:

The 5 Types of Art Classes Hosted Outside of School

Art Studio Classes

I really do think these are just the ultimate in vision board dreams… to open up your own little piece of heaven on main street or in your community. To enroll eager artists who LOVE art and have loads of love for the creative process.

To decorate your space in your style and share your love of art in a way that makes you jump out of bed each day and run to work.

The 5 Types of Art Classes Hosted Outside of School Art Studio

Here’s the thing: you don’t have to sign a scary lease or own your own brick and mortar to do this. You can literally start in your garage, like Kelli!

Starting small helps work out your vision in baby steps and grow organically. Many art teachers love this approach and dive in, converting their sunroom and dining rooms into a magical space that just begs for dreamers to start planning.

Pop-up, Traveling & Birthday Parties

I do remember the birthday party I had for my 5 year-old in which we painted little wooden jewelry boxes. Oh goodness. Their little hands worked so hard to paint their boxes without getting acrylic paint on their party clothes. Ahhh… the memories.

I certainly learned a few things from that party but what stuck out was how fun it was for everyone.

The 5 Types of Art Classes Hosted Outside of School Birthday Parties

Setting up an easel or art activity that is easy and playful and expresses art in a joyful way is just so much fun and you can charge a lot, too. Think about it.

Parents go BIG on birthdays now and are very willing to have someone come in, set up an activity and clean it all up.

If it’s easy for a parent, it’s a great business option for you.

Traveling and pop-up parties are very similar… there just might not be a cake involved. These types of art events can range from kids activities like Girl Scouts, school community events, homeschool art classes in community centers, and even girlfriend paint nights.

After-School Art Programs

Many schools have after-school art programs and if your local school doesn’t, it’s a great opportunity to start one. Many parents are looking for after-school care, so while these classes may attract a few kids who wouldn’t otherwise choose to do art after-school, most kids are pretty eager to create simple art and crafts after the rigors of their day have ended.

You can really teach most any type of art in after-school art classes but try to select projects that can be completed in a day and are different from those that are taught during school hours. Listen to an interview I had with Kathy Barbro: Tips for Running an After School Art Program where she offers loads of advice for after-school art.

Online Teaching

Whether you are teaching art through a membership portal, a live class on Facebook or through Zoom, online art instruction continues to attract a variety of families due to the convenience it offers.

Having an art program at the click of a button can be a very appealing option for parents who are looking for an engaging activity for their child. And for busy parents, not having to get in the car to drive to a studio can be a huge bonus.

The 5 Types of Art Classes Hosted Outside of School online teaching

But they’re not just for parents; online art experiences can be a wonderful way for grandparents or extended family to connect with one another over a shared art project or even for a babysitter to use with kids instead of watching TV!

At least that’s what I experienced with my online art club, Primerry. I was pleasantly surprised to see how often families created art together.

If you love to teach kids and don’t mind setting up the tech required, online classes allow you to connect with just about anyone, anywhere. Pretty cool, right?

Private, one-on-one Art Classes

This type of class has the lowest barrier to entry. You can teach almost anywhere… in your home, at a park, in a church or community center or even at the library. And it allows you to teach exactly what YOU love!

The 5 Types of Art Classes Hosted Outside of School One-on-one teaching

The business advantage is that you can typically charge much more per class for a private lesson that studio owners can for larger group classes. Think about private piano or guitar lessons. They’re usually pretty pricey, right?

So with only 2-4 students a month, you could be adding some serious extra income to your household budget.

Let’s workshop your ideas…

Do any of these sound like the right match for you? It’s fun to dream about what might work for you, even if you are still teaching full time.

And if you’d like to dive deeper into this and more creative business topics, join the waitlist for Primerry Pro and learn everything you need to start and grow your own business teaching art to kids.

Would love to help you map out your dream biz!

The 5 Types of Art Classes Hosted Outside of School

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  • Dawn

    There is a link to a workshop for last year Sept 202”3”.

    • Bethany

      Hi Dawn! We don’t have a new workshop scheduled right now but if you’d like to stay in touch and be the first to know about all our workshops you can do so by joining our email list here https://join.primerrypro.com/join-the-waitlist/

  • Carol Worthy

    I love the idea. Im doing art class with a new non profit creative arts center. They have a curriculum that I’d LOVE to chage for Deep Sparkle. I donate my time and we’re hoping out current fundraier for a dance program for dancers with special needs is successful enough for us to buy Deep Sparkle for my students.

    I have 4 students for opening session. Hoping to see it quickly grow to full class and then multiple classes.

    I retired from teaching in 2020. I used art projects and included some art skills in classroo. sujects history, literature, Spanish, and Credit Recovery. Now Im working again with K-4 mostly. Deep Sparkle program re-awakened my long-shelved love of art and , crossing fingers, I’ll soon be fully involved. Yay!

    • katherine

      Hi Carol! What a wonderful service you are providing to your community. Best of luck with your fundraiser – we hope to welcome you to the Sparklers’ Club soon!

  • farmerSue

    awesome job on this post. xxo farmer sue

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