Primerry or The Sparkler's Club | Which art membership is right for you?

Primerry or The Sparklers’ Club | Which membership is right for you?

The summer break we all look forward to — a time for rest, relaxation, and preparation for the year ahead — feels different this year, doesn’t it?

After all, most of us don’t know what school will look like in the Fall!  

As newly anointed home educators pop into our sparkly universe and commit themselves to keeping their kids at home, there’s bound to be a few questions.

I thought it would be helpful to see how Deep Space Sparkle’s two art memberships, The Sparkler’s Club and Primerry can help you breathe a little easier this Fall.

In order to determine what program is right for your family, let’s start with a few questions:

1. Are you looking to connect your child’s art experience to other subjects? For example, if you are planning to study Space Exploration, would you like to add art projects to the unit? Or study artists or art history?

2. Are you interested in adding worksheets and artist studies to complement the lesson?

3. Are you interested in facilitating an art education program at home?

4. Do you want to set out the art supplies but otherwise be completely hands-off?

If you have a “YES” answer and 1-3 matches your expectations, then The Sparklers Club is the right fit. 

If a Heck Ya to question #4 sounds more like you, then Primerry will be your new best friend.

Here’s a breakdown of the two memberships:


Primerry is a video-based membership that releases a brand new episode each week. The 30-50 minute lesson is designed to teach kids the fundamentals of learning how to draw and paint with engaging projects that progress in difficulty as your child grows in confidence. 

Primerry encourages the use of quality materials as we believe a little extra attention on the supplies that you bring into your home, means less waste and a richer art experience.

Our approach to teaching children to draw and paint starts with engagement.

Our videos are edited to include animations that help keep kid’s attention, instruction that is gentle and encouraging and projects that are designed for maximum happiness.

We use a framework of guided drawings that progress into drawing from observation so children learn how to start with simple lines and shapes and progress into drawing what they see. Every art project offers options for kids to make their art their own.

You can watch a video that explains our art philosophy right HERE.

With Primerry, I encourage you to sit with your kids—at least at first— and support them on their drawing decisions but allow them to move through the process on their own terms. That’s what the program is designed to do: foster independence and give you some free time!

What do you get as a Primerry member?

With Primerry, we focus on simplicity: login, peruse the assortment of art episodes, gather supplies and create! 

It’s that simple. 

Nothing to download, organize, schedule, map out, or clean-up. Yup. You read correctly. Miss Patty builds clean-up right into the art episode.

And here’s the best thing: the videos never go away. So for as long as you are a member, you can watch the videos over and over again. 

Note: Primerry is available to parents who wish to create an art experience for their children at home. It is not designed to be used in a classroom, art studio or business, or to be shared with multiple families. Your membership fee offers a single user license only.

The Sparklers’ Club | Art Membership for Educators

If you love art, can’t wait to explore art history, learn about the Elements of Art, contemporary artists and join an amazing group of art teachers from around the world, well, The Sparklers’ Club is absolutely for you.

As a home educator, you have a lot of choices of art programs. While Primerry offers a very simplified approach, The Sparklers Club is a robust membership with over 1000 lesson plans and equal amounts like resources like posters, powerpoint | Keynote art presentations, teacher trainings, drawing guides, and videos.

Note: This membership is designed for art teachers in a school setting. Having said that, classroom teachers and home-educators have been very successful with the membership materials for bringing art into their classroom and homes.

So that brings me to YOU….

Here’s the truth: this membership has resources, lessons and videos that you may never use. It would be impossible for every teacher or parent to consume every resource in the membership. So don’t feel badly if you don’t use every resource. You simply don’t need to!

Home-school parents who wish to facilitate an art education program at home, you can choose to use the membership is a variety of ways:

1. Follow one of two done-for-you art curriculums in a sequential manner

2. Select just video-based art lessons 

3. Pick and choose as you go!

About the Two Art Curriculums

We have two fully sequenced art curriculums inside the membership that are based on two art paths: 

1. Explore the Elements and Principals of Art ( EPIC Elements, Principles, Integration, Curriculum) with lessons that build on a child’s art skills each month. The curriculum focuses on lesson plans, drawing guides, posters, learning resources and a planner to help map out the year. All of the lessons included in EPIC can be found throughout other Art Bundles inside the membership. The curriculum plans the year for you so you don’t have to!

2. Select art projects that are based on a timeline of art history in our Art Through the Ages Curriculum (ATTA). This is a video-based curriculum that features Patty teaching each lesson directly to the kids. As a parent, you will LOVE this format because it takes the pressure off teaching your child.
The ATTA curriculum is not based on sequential learning. You can jump around, pick the time period or lesson you want to create and just go for it.
The skills are not based on sequential development but are very appropriate for each grade level.

3. You can also pick and choose art bundles randomly based on interests or seasonal ideas. Each month, the Sparklers Club releases a brand new art bundle.

Art Bundles The Sparklers Club

Each bundle features:

9-15 lesson plans (for grades K-7)

Bundles also include Training videos that demonstrate to the teacher a skill (note: not all bundles have training videos)

Resources that complement the lessons in the bundle like artist worksheets with additional teacher keys, vocabulary words, artists powerpoints or slide decks to facilitate teaching, 

About the Art Videos

The Sparklers Club includes over 430 art instructional videos that either talk directly to the student or demonstrates to the teacher how to teach the lesson. 

Note: The videos in the ATTA curriculum are different from our videos in Primerry. The ATTA videos are based on art history, refer to drawing handouts and use a variety of art mediums and techniques (print-making, acrylic paint, watercolors, collage, clay, mixed-media, etc).

What you get each month as a Sparkler…

As a new member, you receive a brand new bundle each month. That’s 9-15 lessons, trainings, handouts, teacher resources, worksheets, etc every single month. 

You can also open up two more art bundles from our Bundle Library of over 90 bundles. (so you just tripled the lessons and resources available to you each month)

The downside to this plethora of art options is that you will need to manage it. While this amount of lessons is great for art teachers who teach hundreds of students each day, a home-educator generally has only a few children. 

For this reason, The Sparklers Club may be more than you need for your child. If you are getting confused or overwhelmed at this point, Primerry may be a better option.

Yet, many home-educators love the membership even if it’s for one child. They tend to choose lessons based on their child’s grade level and interest. That’s how we categorize lessons in The Sparkler’s Club: grade level, not skill level.

One of the best parts about being a Sparkler is the connection inside our private Facebook group. This isn’t an ordinary group. It’s filled with kind advice, cheery support and lots of bonuses just for members.

Does that help?

If not, ask a question in the comments below. Team Sparkle is happy to help you make the best choice for your family.

Certainly The Sparklers’ Club is a robust and rich art resource for anyone teaching art to kids, but there is plenty of beauty in simplicity. And that’s what Primerry offers.

So which one is right for you?

Check out Primerry here. Enroll anytime.

Join The Sparklers’ Club Membership today while enrollment is still open!

What do you think?

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  • Artemis Bayless

    As a PreK-6 public school art teacher, I am excited that I will be able to use Artsonia funds to become a member of the Sparkler’s Club. I am wondering if I will be able to join and have access before school begins here, August 5th. Also, I would like to know what the membership dues are for the club. Can you please let me know? Thank you!!

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Artemis,

      Yay! We’re very excited too! You can email support@deepspacesparkle.com to find out about pricing for Artsonia.
      Make sure you are on the wait list for Sparklers Club linked above.
      Enrollment opens the first week of August 🙂


    • Michele Engelbach

      I’m an Art teachers for K-8 and will be teaching online for the first time, of all goes as planned, due to the pandemic in spring, i was not able to teach due to the lack of resources needed to be distributed to our students so, they canceled Art for the time. But this fall they want to try to have art as an elective for our middle schooler and hopefully elementary age. Thank you for

    • Mari

      Hi, all I can afford right now is the monthly membership. Can I still get the epic curriculum at least with this month to month? Thanks so much.

      • Patty

        Hi Mari! Absolutely. When you join as a monthly member, you can use your two unlocks per month to unlock any lesson bundles, including EPIC.
        Keep in mind, that as a member, you have access to all of the EPIC resources so you can take a look at all the bundles and then plan which bundles you will unlock.
        This is the route many Sparklers take!

    • Melanie

      How do I become a gold member of Deep Space Sparkle?

      • Bethany

        Hi Melanie! A gold star member is someone who has been with us for a few years and has unlocked all the bundles inside The Sparklers’ Club. If you have more questions about your account or gold star status please reach out to us at support@deepspacesparkle.com.

  • Sara Epstein

    Hello, I got the Primerry membership for my kids and the like it a lot but I think that I am more drawn to the substantive projects in the Sparklers membership instead. Particularly as I brace for another school year of distance learning. My girls are 7.5 and 5, so I am also having trouble picking projects that they both enjoy without getting too competitive with each other. The 5 year old tends to need more time to pause and unpause the videos so I’m a bit at a loss trying to cater to their separate needs. Can I switch to the Sparklers membership? What is the cost differential? Is there a trial project I can share with my kids to see if they like it?

    Thank you so much for your thoughts!


    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Sara!

      If you plan on homeschooling full-time I think The Sparklers Club may be a better fit for you 🙂
      It’s more hands-on as a parent, but you’ll have access to various grade levels to fit their needs.
      PLUS, you’ll be able to find drawing guides and printable lesson plans for your youngest (if that works better for her)

      Contact Shannon at support@deepspacesparkle.com after you check out the link below, she can help you if you choose to switch memberships.

      We’ll be sending enrollment costs and updates through our Sparklers Club waitlist
      And you can grab a sample lesson there too 🙂


  • Nicole Crail

    My mother-in-law gifted my daughter a 3 month Primerry membership for her birthday. We homeschool, and my kids are 1st and 3rd grade this year. We love art, art history, and creating and learning together through hands on activities. Is The Sparkler’s Club for older kids yet probably? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    • Stephanie Strong

      The Sparklers is for K-8th. It might be a good fit for your family since there are a lot of lessons to choose from. I’m an art teacher and I have the Sparklers Club membership and have never used all of the lessons because there are SO MANY!

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Nicole,

      Great question!
      Primerry is more of a place for kids to build self-esteem through art!

      The Sparklers Club may be the right move for you if you want to implement art lessons that go into detail on subjects like art history, science, and literature.

      The Sparklers Club is much more hands on for you as a teacher/parent. We offer training tutorials for you as their teacher and art tutorials for all of our ATTA (Art through the Ages – Art History) Curriculum. It’s focused on meeting standards and the academic needs of teachers and students.

      We do have members that enjoy both memberships together as well 😉

      I invite you to join learn more about becoming a Sparkler, I think you’ll really enjoy it.

      We’ll be sending out our Sparklers Club enrollment options to teachers/ home educators through our waitlist!

      Just sign up here and we’ll send you updates on pricing/enrollment dates via email 💖


  • Ana Steel

    As a K-5 art teacher,I would be very interested in joining The Sparklers Club. Please send me the price so I can make a decision! Thank You,

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Ana!

      We’ll be sending out our Sparklers Club enrollment options to teachers through our waitlist!

      Just sign up here and we’ll send you updates and pricing via email 🙂


  • Meredith Keough

    I teach art to PreK-8 grade at a private school. I was overwhelmed last spring with having to suddenly teach online with very limited resources. I am newly back as an art teacher after being away for almost 20 years. The Sparklers Club seems like a great way to help me with my curriculum. Can’t wait to try it out! Just curious as to the cost of the membership?

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Meredith!

      We’ll be sending them out to our Sparklers Club waitlist!

      Just sign up here and we’ll send you updates on pricing/enrollment dates via email 🙂


  • Carol Shirley

    I teach third grade, and am beginning the year with distance learning. I will need to provide my students with all the materials they will need. I am not sure which program would be best for me.

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Carol!

      The Sparklers Club is the program for you! 🙂

      Join our waitlist and get the sample lesson with the link above, we have some amazing resources that we’ll be sending out to waitlisted teachers very soon!


  • Kirsi

    Have you considered becoming a vendor with any particular charter schools so that parents could use their charter school funds to enroll in the Sparklers Club?

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Kirsi,

      Not at this time, but email us your vendor info at support@deepspacesparkle.com if you have any suggestions 🙂


  • Clarice

    Are the Primerry videos also available in The Sparkler’s Club? I’m looking for easy videos to use in a church setting; would like to use art to help kids process emotions and provide a place for creative expression, but my setting does disqualifies me from Primerry. I’d like to gather small groups of kids (ie. 5 – 8) respecting physical distancing.

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Clarice,

      Primerry and The Sparklers Club are two separate companies/art programs that we offer.
      The Sparklers Club is specifically designed to meet the academic and educational standards for art room and homeschooling parents working with grades K-7.

      While, Primerry is only designed for families (to use at home) and is meant for children to log on and work independently with Patty through the online art tutorials. Primerry art projects are not approved not be retaught in any other setting.

      For after school art enrichment, you may benefit from the Sparklers Club, but we do offer a great range of easy art activities right here on the blog (if you’re not in need of the academic training/resources the Sparklers Club has)


      Hope this helps!


  • Suzanne Ettman

    Hi, I’m interested in using Artsonia funds for a membership. Thank you so much for all of the free resources that were provided when the lockdown started, it made my first lessons easy to push out to my students virtually!

    • Team Sparkle

      Yay Suzanne!!

      We’re very excited about this too! If you’re already a Sparkler contact us at support@deepspacesparkle.com to find out how to use your funds and get your rates for the membership coverage.

      *If you’re not part of The Sparklers Club YET be sure to join the waitlist HERE and we’ll be sharing more resources with teachers soon and all the ins and outs of Artsonia membership funding 🙂


  • Lori Moen

    I am a supplemental parent funded art teacher at a private school. As most of my art classes have moved to online I need a curriculum that I can offer and charge for. Does your sparkler membership allow me to do this?

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Lori!

      We do not offer any licensing agreements at this time for independent art instructors.
      We do allow private lessons within our memberships guidelines, but they must adhere to all of our usage agreements listed here:

      Scroll to > Can I use Deep Space Sparkle for private art lessons?

      And please contact us at support@deepspacesparkle.com if you have any additional questions!
      We’re happy to help 🙂


  • Amy

    It says in your email that:
    Each bundle features:

    9-15 lesson plans for grades 5-7
    Do you have a curriculum for K-4 grades appropriate for art class in a school setting? I teach k-5 and it looks like only my 5 graders would benefit from a membership.
    Thank you!

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Amy!

      Sorry for the typo! Thank you for pointing that out!

      Let me see if I can correct that it should be “9-15 lesson plans (for grades Kindergarten-7th)”
      All of our Sparkler Club lesson plans are designed for a academic/school setting 🙂

      I invite you to join learn more about becoming a Sparkler, I think you’ll really enjoy it.

      We’ll be sending out our Sparklers Club enrollment options & resources to teachers through our waitlist soon!


  • Dondi

    I joined the Sparkler’s Club when it was first introduced a few years ago. I will be teaching art again & am considering rejoining the club. Will I have access to all the bundles I had before, or will my library be empty?
    Thank you,

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Dondi!

      Email support@deepspacesparkle.com
      We can set up your re-enrollment with you there and help you reconnect with your previous account access


  • Lisa H

    If I choose the Sparklers Club will I have full rights to use all materials in my public school teaching position and in my personal, for profit, studio teaching.

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Lisa!

      Good question! We do not offer members copyrights to any of our copyrighted images, resources, or videos.
      Once you join members must adhere to all of our usage agreements listed here:

      Scroll to Can I use Deep Space Sparkle in my classroom? > Can I use Deep Space Sparkle for private art lessons?

      And please contact us at support@deepspacesparkle.com if you have any additional questions!
      We’re happy to help 🙂


  • Anastasia Huculiak

    I loved being a member of the Sparklers Club this past year. I’m still waiting to see what my teaching assignment will be in the fall. I’m not even sure that I’ll be teaching any art classes. I’m not sure what the new Sparklers Club will cost and I didn’t find any thing to indicate the fees for the upcoming enrollemnt period. Not sure it will be cost effective at this point and my school division did not cover any of my membership costs from last year.

  • Grace Espinosa

    I like how you have listed membership choices…I am already a member and I pay monthly. I want to know if I can do a yearly membership to The Sparkler’s Club and cut my costs?

    • Patty

      Absolutely! Just email support@deepspacesparkle.com and request to upgrade. Shannon will take care of you. PS I removed your email from your comment as this is a public post and want to keep your email safe 🙂

  • Trisha

    Hello, what is the price difference between the two? We signed up for the full year for Primerry but just in case we decided to do will more.

    • Patty

      Hi Tisha! The Sparklers Club has been around for over 4 years supporting art teachers and home-educators with pretty amazing lesson plans and curriculums. Primerry’s focus is to deliver an art class right to your home via a computer or TV screen. Parents gather supplies and Miss Patty engages and teaches the children. It’s designed to be hands-off.
      Primerry is only available as a single license for families and is not available for teachers.

      The Sparklers Club is a membership designed for teaching an art curriculum. It has over 1000+ lessons, 2 full art curriculums and loads of teaching videos. For a home educator, it offers a huge selection of lessons to tie-in with any subject you are teaching. It takes more organization for parents but there are over 300+ videos to aid in the teaching.

      It’s certainly worth trying! And should you have any questions, support@deepspacesparkle.com is here to help 🙂

  • DeAnna Garner

    Where can I find the price for the memberships?

  • Pepper Martin

    Can you please tell me how much the Sparkler’s Club enrollment is and when it is available? Our students go back to school on August 11. Aaahhhh!!!

  • Jane Oplinger

    I am an elementary art teacher , whose district will be going on a blended schedule for the fall. Part in person /part on line. I am looking at joining the sparklers club( I put my name on the waitlist) but would like to know what the cost of the program is. It is not included in any of the literature that I have read.
    Please advise. thank you

  • Julie Conmey-Miller

    Can you get Professional Development hours or continuing ed credits for any of your offerings either listed here or otherwise offered by Deep Space Sparkle?

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Julie!

      Yes, great question we do offer PD hour certificates and extensive teacher training inside the Sparkles’ Club membership!
      There’s so many amazing resources to help you in this area. You will just want to check with your admin to find out what requirements they need to apply your credits – Shannon at support@deepspacesparkle.com can help you with the process 💛

      Make sure you hop on the waitlist to hear more! We’ll be sending out our Sparklers Club enrollment options & resources to teachers through our waitlist soon!inside https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/


  • Debbie Chetham

    Hi Patty, thanks for the information. I am a primary teacher in Australia and think that the Sparklers Club would be great for me. I may even be able to get my school to pay for the membership! Last time I enquired there were no new memberships for the Sparklers Club being taken until August. Have I got this right? I most certainly don’t want to miss out!

    • Team Sparkle

      Hi Debbie!!

      We’re opening enrollment THIS WEEK 🤗

      Make sure you hop on the waitlist to hear more! We’ll be sending out our Sparklers Club enrollment options & resources to teachers through our waitlist here: https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/


      • Debbie Chetham

        Thank you so much! Very prompt reply.

  • JIll

    Do you have a letter describing all the great features and benefits of a Sparkler membership that I can give to my administration? They will not have time to scroll through the site. I want to become a Sparkler so badly!

  • Elizabeth Uhren

    I would love to know a price and get rolling on this!
    Still do not know if we are in person or at home? I do know that I am not art on a cart.

    Can I look at pricing for 1-5th?
    Id love to have it this week!

  • Jennifer Barrow

    I think I have one more day to join but I have a couple of questions.
    1.) If I pay in full and don’t do do monthly payments can I access all of the bundles whenever I like or do I still have to wait and only access a few a month?
    2.) May I purchase the “Art through the ages” bundle by itself separately from the membership for now? because we may not go back to school until 2021 and I will join at the next enrollment and perfect this packet for now.

  • Linda Buza

    Hi i am a pre-k -5 art teacher in Houston ISD. If I join can I use your ideas, worksheets, information for my 900 students? we are virtual at the moment so all would be online with me presenting face-to-face lessons not just giving them a website to access.
    Before I purchase a program I just want to make sure I am doing this right. I do not want to get into trouble for infringing on any copyright laws. I think your ideas are fun and very doable with minimal supplies.
    Thank you!
    Linda Buza DEd

  • Christina

    Thank you 🙂

  • 959434

    How do I sign up and pay for the EPIC Curriculum?
    James Dussias

    • Marine (Team Sparkle)

      Hi James. Yearly members get ALL the EPIC bundles up front. I just sent you an email with more info. Let me know if you have any questions!

  • Mary Ketza

    Costs for each program please?

    • Marine (Team Sparkle)

      Hi Mary. The Sparklers Club is $34/ month or $336/year (which works out to $28/month). Primerry is $26/month, $66 for 3 months or you can get the yearly membership for $192.

  • Anna Marie Nagai

    I am interested as I am art teacher in. Tier 1 Title 1 School l. We are now engaged in long distance learning and my principal has said that there is no art budget for this year. I have an excellent reputation as an art teacher in our CCSD Las Vegas district. But having to master Canvas platforms in two weeks that usually take two years or more to learn —-it is overwhelming. It does not speak to art.

    I can no longer interact with my students. I never ever sat down all day as I interacted with them in my art classes. And this training of excellence in elementary art education I learned decades ago at the art school at the University of Michigan. . I am flummoxed

    Google Drawing is no substitute. Thanks.

    • Patty

      Hi Anna…no one expected or asked for this crazy year. I don’t believe anyone will want it to continue. I believe our life will resume to normal in a year or so but in the meantime, we are teachers. We are learners and we can pivot. Inside our membership we have the resources to help make it much easier to adapt to learning a new teaching environment. And there are thousands of art teachers just like you to lean on and find encouragement. I wish you the best and would be honored to help you out.

  • Natalie Quillin

    I am an art teacher lookinv for a few new ideas. What is the monthly fee?

  • Carrie Gearhart

    Is it too late to sign up for the Sparklers membership for fall 2020?

  • hello1

    Hello! I was part of the Sparklers Club a few years ago, and I would like to join again to access what bundles I did buy previously as well. Can you please advise what steps I need to do to proceed with an approximate date? Thank you so much!

  • Allan MacNeil

    Hi there,
    I came across your site while looking for ideas on drawing Dr. Seuss inspired buildings. I am a GrandPa to Emma 4 years old, who likes to draw and paint. These past months have been challenging for everyone and I am seeking happy activities to help us stay busy through winter. It may be a little early for Emma to embrace art instruction, so I will move very very slowly guided by her interest and attention.
    Thank you – If you have any suggestions for trying out your program this early please let me know.
    Allan MacNeil. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    • Patty

      Hi Allan!
      I’m so pleased that you are doing art with Emma. That’s pretty special. Deep Space Sparkle focuses on art projects for 5-12 year olds. Like you, I believe art at Emma’s age is best kept exploratory. I’m hosting free art classes this week on my family art site, Primerry. Here’s a link to sign up and join the fun :

  • ccchristiny

    I am confused, I thought I wanted the Sparkler but now I think I need the Primerry. Please help 🙂
    I have recently become the k-4 art teacher in our small rural school.

    • Patty

      Primerry is not designed for teachers. It’s Miss Patty’s personal membership site for teaching kids. If you are a parent with children, Primerry is for you.
      If you are a teacher, The Sparklers Club allows you to use the resources for classrooms 🙂

  • Dina Peterson

    I am an art educator that is teaching at multiple elementary schools through Google classroom for the first trimester of 2020/2021. Are the resources within the Sparkle Club shareable or conducive to teaching/learning by way of Google Classroom? Do you recommend this club (EPIC and ATTA) for teaching 1100 students virtually? (Keeping in mind they will have limited access to art materials.) I can hardly wait to get back to school and possibly utilize this club. Please let me know. Thank you

    • Patty

      Hi Dina,
      Absolutely. The membership has made quite a few changes to accommodate teachers and this new teaching environment. You will be well supported and we have a number of curriculum options for teaching virtually. Make sure you are on our waitlist as we will have another opening soon. 🙂

  • Jessica Droscha

    I am a High School art teacher who just accepted a job at a different school teaching 1st-3rd grade. It has been a while since I have taught little’s and don’t have any of my old curriculum from back in the day. I would like the Epic Curriculum (k-2 and 3-4). Please let me know as soon as the waiting list is open. Thank you! I would love to become part of the Sparklers Club 🙂

    • Patty

      Will do!

  • Nicki Powell

    What are the prices?

    • Bethany

      Hi Nicki!

      This is Bethany with Team Sparkle. We’ll be sending out our Sparklers Club enrollment options to teachers through our waitlist!

      Just sign up here and we’ll send you updates and pricing via email 🙂


  • Sherry

    What is the cost of the educator’s club?

    • Bethany

      Hi Sherry! This is Bethany from Team Sparkle. Our membership is closed right now but you can join the waitlist and we will update you on the membership pricing when enrollment reopens 🙂
      We’d love to welcome you into the community!


  • Mona

    Hi 🙂 I am planning to join the sparkler club when membership is open. Since I am a parent and not a teacher, with minimal artist skills I was wondering, would the lessons improve the observational drawing skills for the child? My daughter is 7.5 and I am so hopeful that both of us could benefit from the lessons to improve our skills in this area

    • Bethany

      Hi Mona! Yes membership in the Sparklers club will definitely help develop observation drawing skills. We have an entire category of lessons devoted to it. Some lessons for 7.5 year olds will still feature guided drawings, but if you want her focus to be drawing from observation, you can have her use the final drawing on the drawing guide (instead of the steps leading up to it) to develop those skills. We can’t wait to welcome you into The Sparklers’ Club in January. To join our waitlist click here: https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/

      • Mona

        Thanks, Bethany 🙂 I have had my name in the waitlist two months ago .. yay we are almost there ..

  • Liz

    Hi! I’m a PreK-8th grade art teacher, but I also teach kids art classes/clubs in person and online as an entrepreneur. As a member of the Sparkler’s group, would I be allowed to teach those lessons for my art clubs as well? Thanks!

    • Patty

      Hi Liz!
      We have a page that details our usage policies….which I’ll link to.
      Here’s a summary >
      We encourage art teachers who teach in physical locations to use our lessons for their students online, but only if school districts require remote learning.
      We also allow small business owners, someone teaching in their home or after school class, to use our lessons but only in-person.
      If you are an entrepreneur, I would highly encourage you to develop your style and your art focus.
      We currently do not offer licenses for business owners to use our projects as part of their online businesses.
      More details here:
      So, it just depends on what your business is 🙂

      Let us know if we can help any further.

      • Liz

        Sounds good, thank you!

  • Jessica

    I am trying to find out how much the memberships cost monthly.
    Can you send me that info?

    • Bethany

      Hi Jessica! For more information about The Sparklers’ Club or Primerry memberships please email support@deepspacesparkle.com.

  • Kristine Dibble

    I would absolutely love to give a Primerry gift card to niece of mine. I teach art in a different state than she lives in. I just want her to experience it. Then, if she wished to continue, her mom could sign her up. Is this a possibility or an option? I am also a veteran Sparklers Club member!

    • Bethany

      Hi Kristine! Thanks so much for your interest in Primerry. We do not have gift cards available for sale at this time. You could still purchase a quarterly membership and then cancel at the end of the three month session if you were interested. We’d love to see her in Primerry!

  • Rachel Pietryka

    I would like to enroll in the educator package. Can that be done now?

    • Bethany

      Hi Rachel! Enrollment is currently closed. Our next open enrollment will be in January 2024.  There may be opportunities to join sooner. If you would like to receive an email regarding all enrollment opportunities please be sure to join our waitlist.
      To get on the Sparklers’ Club waitlist click here: https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/

  • Bridget Beck

    I have a question about your painted paper. Do you paint a base color and then let it dry and then add pattern and texture after? OR do you add pattern and texture when the base color is still wet?

  • jillian.bell

    If I only do Sparklers Club for a year, do I still have access to the bundles I have chosen after the year is up?

    • Patty

      Hi Jillian,
      Great question. Our members can download any PDF from the Bundles that they have chosen from inside our membership. You can save these PDF lesson Plan files to your computer to save for your use.
      When your membership is over, you lose access to The Sparklers’ Club website just as you would with any subscription site (Netflix for example).

  • Darby

    I am interested in membership from Feb through June. I want an art history program for my 10 and 12 year old. Is it possible to get a 6 month membership to start asap

    • Bethany

      Hi Darby! We are so happy you found us! Please reach out to support@deepspacesparkle.com for information about enrollment. We’d be happy to answer all your questions.

  • Colleen


    I would like to develop a curriculum for 2024 k-5th. Can I work on this now or do I need to wait for August 1st? I would like to start now, I don’t want to get overwhelmed. My school starts August 13th. I have well over 600 students.

    • Bethany

      Hi Colleen! Sparklers’ Club enrollment is currently closed and our next enrollment period will be August 1 – 8, 2024. If you would like to receive an email regarding all enrollment opportunities please be sure to join our waitlist!
      To get on the Sparklers’ Club waitlist click here: If you have any questions about enrollment please email support@deepspacesparkle.com

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