
How to Host a Summer Art Camp for Kids

My art room is stripped bare, supplies sorted and cupboards cleaned. The last thing I want to think about is pouring paint and cleaning brushes but summer can be a great... Learn More

30 Essential Books for the Art Classroom

To help get you inspired for this upcoming school year, we’ve compiled a list of our 30 must-have children’s picture books for the art room and wanted to share them... Learn More

What to do in your Art Room in February

February is a wonderful time to take stock of what you have already accomplished in the art room and think about what you still want to focus on. The weather... Learn More

How to Charge What You’re Worth

If you’re teaching art as a business owner compared to an educator in a school system, there is ONE factor that can make the difference between success and failure. Charging... Learn More

How to Plan Your School Year in Art | 2023 DSS Art Calendar

Teachers are known for being proficient planners and if you’re anything like me you love opening up a fresh planner. But if those blank pages start taunting you to fill... Learn More

8 Bad Behavior Squashers for your Art Room

Classroom management is one of the hardest parts of being an art teacher, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s every art teacher’s dream to have a room... Learn More

Deep Space Sparkle Reader Survey 2022 Results

It’s been seven years since I asked about you. I mean really asked… So, I decided it was time I asked again. Over 1,200 of you said yes to sharing... Learn More

The Gift of Consistency | Staying True to Your Art Program During the Holidays

No matter how much you adore celebrating the holidays at home, when it comes to teaching art, the holiday season can be downright chaotic. Don’t ban your glitter just yet.... Learn More

Practicing Gratitude | What Team DSS and I are Grateful for this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I am not ashamed to say that it’s because of the food. I love everything about these magical four days…shopping at the market, making... Learn More

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