
Five Questions to Ask to Set Your Art Curriculum Intentions: AME 066



Have you ever wondered whether it is better to have a plethora of creative works at the end of a term so that students have a general working knowledge of many styles and techniques OR just a few projects that dive deep into just a few areas at a time?

When it comes to elementary students, we can frame our curriculum any number of ways. It all depends on what our admins expect us to do, what we feel is important to teach our students and what is in our wheelhouse.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of becoming crystal clear on your intentions for your art program.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself that will help define your intentions so that you can create the best environment for your students.

In this episode you’ll learn

  • Why grade level matters when setting intentions on how you want your curriculum to work
  • How art is always open to interpretation and what this means for an art teacher
  • What will happen after you’ve been teaching art for a few years…
  • Why reflecting and documenting what you hope will happen in your art room compared to what actually happened will help you move forward
  • How I measured the success of my art program and how to define what success means to you
  • What I feel is the best way to engage your students in art
  • Why you should openly acknowledge what you’re good at (and not so good at) when it comes to teaching art!



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  • Magdalene McCulloch

    It would be appreciated if you would be able to give me information on how I can purchase the Art made easy assessment package by Marisa Gebert.



  • kasey kervatt

    Is there anyway that I can prove to my admin that I listened to this podcast? A printable certificate?

    • Patty

      Hi Kasey! Thanks so much for listening to Art Made Easy. I hope it was helpful 🙂
      We don’t provide PD certificates for podcasts. The intention behind the episodes is to enrich a teacher’s life with inspiration, success stories from other teachers and new perspectives.
      We do have certificates inside our Membership, The Sparklers Club.
      If you are a member, you can find trainings in the dashboard.
      If you aren’t a member, here is an information page to learn more > https://deepspacesparkle.lpages.co/the-sparklers-club-waitlist/

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