
My Mini Burnout and How I Plan to Recover: AME 120



It’s the end of January and while many of you are well on your way to integrating new year’s resolutions into your life, I feel like I’m lagging. Two months of family, work and holiday bustle has left me worn out and uninspired.

But today is a new day and it’s because I realized one important thing: the cause of my depletion was actually depletion. The lack of creativity (or not enough of) had a profound effect on me: weight gain, lack of tolerance and the feeling that I just wasn’t myself.

I started to spend more time on social media seeing what others were doing and then feeling the opposite of inspired. I noticed I was cooking less and eating out more. NOT my normal preference. Watching TV every night instead of reading. OK for a few nights, but a whole month? Nope. Not me.

I knew what was happening.

I’ve always been diligent about my daily habits:

1. Rest, which means a full 8 hours a night

2. Eat healthfully with treats in moderation

3. Create something daily: art, food, blog post, etc.

4. Spend at least 1/4 of my day alone doing the above (the introverted me requires this)

And when one of these is eliminated, I know I’ve gone off my own little rails and need to make a change. And the solution lies where all solutions lie…in a good book.

But I need your help if I’m going to get my creative mojo back.

Join me for my very first Deep Space Sparkle Book Club selection and how I plan to use it to help me banish my creative depletion.

In this episode, I share 3 ways to identify burnout and what to do about it.


– Why I felt the need to take a break from the podcast

– How my recent experiences could apply to you, and help you in your own situation

– What are 3 telltale signs you’re ready to take some time off

– How I’ve noticed I’ve been changing, as a result of not being creative enough

– What I plan to do to refill my creative cup and a special invitation I have for you to join me on this journey

– Why you won’t want to miss next week’s special Art Made Easy episode…


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The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp

You can visit Patty through Deep Space Sparkle on Facebook and Instagram

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  • Linda Tvedt

    This was a timely podcast… I had been missing them… But I just realist ended to several of your older episodes… I learn something new every time. And I ordered the book club book! Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this endeavor! Sparkle on !!

  • Melissa Kipe

    I can’t belive it I have been feeling the same way, too much run around and disorganized thoughts. I go throught he day and feel like I get nothing important doen even though I work all day, ugh. Time for a rest start here too! My book is on hold and I have downloaded the checklist. You rock Patti, and book clubs are awesome : )

    • Patty

      Thanks Melissa!

  • Ruthie Post

    Being a creative artist has highs and lows inherently built into the cycle of the creative process.
    It has been my experience to embrace this energy and listen to your own inner voice as to what you need from your heart, hands and mind.

    It’s o.k. to slow down and take a time out Patty. Your creative energy will return 🙂 Your friend, Ruth

  • Bronwyn Brestle

    Count me in!

  • Yvonne Arpino

    Dear girl! I feel for you. May the days be restful and bring you the deep restoration you need. I read Twyla’s book 4 years ago. JUST AMAZING!!!

  • leslie.banta

    I’m a re-reader and re-watcher and with your podcast, I’m a re-listener … sometimes giving a podcast a multi-listen ?! So not only are they worth my listening time once, but why’re also something I keep going back to. They’re a valuable resource helping me find strength and joy in my responsibilities. Your podcasts help me in so many different specific ways, but the *best* way they help me is by helping me get perspective and get up above the fray of daily details… you help me aim to swim with strength vs just treading water. Thanks for the effort it takes to get out the equipment and start recording, and for following your compulsion to record this particular episode ???.

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