
Top Tips for being an Awesome Art Room Volunteer- Art Made Easy 033




In today’s episode, I answer a question from Ashley, a member of Deep Space Sparkle’s Members’ Club. Ashley asks, How do you train volunteers so they become an art room asset instead of a liability?

This is such a great question. I’ve been a volunteer in my children’s classes and had the opportunity to work with some of the best parents in the world.  And let me just say, there’s a learning curve to both sides. In this episode I help you clarify the message and task list you send to your volunteers and help parents maximize their time spent as a volunteer.

If you are an art teacher, this is what you’ll learn:

  • How taking a few minutes to write down what you need help with can save time for both you and the parent
  • Why you need to communicate clearly and professionally what needs to be done (just because they are volunteers doesn’t mean their time is unlimited)!
  • How delegating the right task to the right volunteer will result in a more efficient classroom
  • How having a parent with photography skills can benefit you
  • How any negativity and distractions can disrupt the learning experience
  • Why it’s important to accept the outcome and realize that the job might not be done to the same level that you could do it

If you are a volunteer, this is what you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s helpful to tell the teacher your parameters beforehand
  • How listening to the teacher’s demonstration and being prepared to help will make you a more effective volunteer
  • Why you need to help every child in the classroom, and not just your own
  • When volunteering, why hiring a babysitter is a good plan
  • How being a worker and finishing the task at hand will allow you to be of the most benefit to the class


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